What is PatriotCast?

PatriotCast will be a real-time, online reenactment of the American Revolution. Or perhaps the best way to describe it would be a “Twit-enactment.” That’s right, PatriotCast will be using the increasing popular mini-blog/ social networking site as its platform to provide real-time, daily updates on the events that shaped this nation’s beginning.

Another way to think of it would be as if “Twitter” were around during the 18th century and perhaps a large news corporation using twitter was following the politics and actions in America between the years of 1775 and 1783. PatriotCast will reenact and in a way mirror those years between the years of 2010 and 2017, with tweets coming usually everyday (often multiple tweets per day) corresponding with the historical date. The tentative start date for the Twitter feed to activate will be April 1st of 2010 which would correspond with the historical date April 1st 1775, and so on for eight years.

This blog will be auxiliary to the PatriotCast twitter feed as a place to post general information and updates on this project, to leave the PatriotCast pure for “Twit-enactment” updates.

Stay tuned….

Published in: on November 15, 2009 at 10:36 pm  Comments (1)  
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  1. I think this is a great idea. Check out http://www.historytunes.com. There is an OUTSTANDING song about the American Revolution there under sample songs. You should see if you can use it somehow.

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